Sex is an important part of a person's life, especially for men who strive to always be on top. Overexcitement is extremely rare and affects young people during puberty and goes away on its own as the reproductive system develops. However, if an adult man suffers from premature ejaculation repeatedly or does not ejaculate at all, you should consult a urologist, as this may indicate serious problems.
Erection characteristics

Sexual arousal of the stronger sex depends on the interaction of several systems. Initially, irritation of the nerve centers of the brain occurs. Thanks to this effect, testosterone is released into the bloodstream. In addition, under the influence of the male hormone, a gradual dilation of blood vessels is caused. At this time, blood volume increases. The fluid presses on the walls of the sphincters of the pudendal vein. Then the corpora cavernosa fill, the density increases and the muscles of the penis stretch. The whole process described is called an erection.
During normal sexual intercourse, an erection always ends in ejaculation. In this case, part of the seminal fluid located in the testicles is removed. After this process, the blood leaves the corpora cavernosa in a short time, after which the excitement ends.
In case of irregular contact, a considerable amount of sperm accumulates in the testicles. Then they begin to exert pressure on the areas of the paired organ, so the man feels discomfort.
In young people, these problems are eliminated by themselves. The body overcomes overexcitation through emission (spontaneous excretion of seminal fluid at night). When sex life is normalized, the problem disappears. But sometimes self-purification does not occur, thus causing many negative symptoms.
Similar discomfort can occur in an adult patient in the absence of sexual release. The partner is aroused, but the partner does not bring the contact to sexual intimacy. In this case, blood flow to the corpora cavernosa continues, and after failure, the fluid very slowly leaves the penile cavities. Under the influence of blood, the cavernous cavities become distended. Therefore, after excitement, the testicles hurt, because against this background the movement of spermatozoa along the vas deferens is increased.
All of the above symptoms can be easily eliminated without the participation of specialists. The pain disappears several hours after the seminal fluid is removed from the ducts. In adolescence, the problems disappear after stable sexual intercourse. But nevertheless, if the testicles hurt very much after excitement, pathological changes can also be the cause. In such a case, you should seek help from a doctor.
Why physiological reasons cause pain
During sexual contact, a man increases blood flow to the genitals and experiences frequent copulatory friction. The accumulation of large amounts of fluid in the veins and intense movements can cause pain in the testicles or groin, as additional pressure is placed on the nerve endings, blood vessels, tissues of the genitals andneighboring areas of the body.
This negatively affects the psycho-emotional state of a man, his desire to continue sexual intercourse and reduces libido. After the act, the pain during arousal slowly diminishes with the flow of blood from the genitals.
With prolonged abstinence due to irregular sexual relations, prostatitis, erectile dysfunction and testicular inflammation may develop. Due to the fact that a man will be aroused and sperm will be produced regardless of the regularity of sexual intercourse or the probability of sexual intercourse, and the seminal vesicles will be under tension, producing sexual substances, pain in the testiclesoccur.
Increased abstinence when it is impossible to initiate sexual intercourse (virginity of the partner, prohibition of contact due to therapy, etc. ), suppression of ejaculation by interruption of sexual intercourse, or arousalprolonged during active caresses, the testicles, penis or lower abdomen (the area where the ovary is located in women) can also hurt.
This is because the blood vessels, capillaries and corpora cavernosa are under excessive tension and the testicular cavity and ducts are under ejaculate, widening the narrow ducts under pressure.
Outwardly, overexcitement is manifested by the fact that the scrotum turns blue or purple, and the testicles seem hardened and enlarged when touched. Sometimes dizziness, nausea, pain in the groin in men and in the back of the head are added. If the consequences of overexcitement are not eliminated naturally - upon reaching orgasm and ejaculation, the pain will persist until the fluid disappears on its own.
Discomfort after awakening may appear due to prolonged abstinence or overexcitement. However, a number of other factors must be taken into account. Many men wonder why their testicles hurt after arousal; the main reasons are:
- injury to the testicles or scrotum;
- testicular torsion;
- epidermatitis;
- orchitis;
- varicocele;
- hernia;
- neoplasms of the reproductive system.
Men should also be careful with their underwear. It is not recommended to choose models that pull on the skin. Synthetic options are dangerous. You should also try to avoid tight jeans and pants and choose loose clothing at home.
Alarming symptoms
If you have irregular contact and your partner refuses sex, there is no need to sound the alarm. But there are signs to pay attention to. The following alarming symptoms emerge:
- pain in the groin and lower tailbone;
- headaches in the occipital region;
- dyspepsia after contact;
- the presence of a seal in the scrotum;
- change in the quality of seminal fluid.
Doctors recommend paying attention to the localization of the disease. In the absence of hidden pathologies, pain after stimulation is localized only in the testicles. If there is an additional change in the tissues, the localization of the symptom expands. The pain occurs in the lower lumbosacral spine. It can also spread to the penile shaft and scrotum. It is necessary to strictly follow all medical recommendations
Another unpleasant sign of the presence of the disease is a change in skin color. Against the background of twisting, the scrotal tissue acquires a bluish tint. Additionally, part of the scrotal sac may enlarge. Discoloration may occur in the lower abdomen. The central aorta passes through the abdominal cavity. Varicocele causes obstruction of blood flow in the groin. The belly turns purple.
A visit to a doctor is also necessary if pain occurs in the occipital region of the head. The pituitary gland is located in this part of the head. It is responsible for the production of the main male hormone, testosterone. When excited, this part of the brain becomes active. Due to overexcitation, the pituitary gland works in an active mode for a long time. This causes severe tension in the blood vessels of the brain. Overload of blood vessels causes this additional symptom. Constant tension is dangerous for the nervous system. A long course of the disease leads to the development of impotence and erectile dysfunction.
What else do you need to know
Diarrhea can become a sign of the development of oncological forms of pathologies. This symptom is accompanied by sudden weight loss. It is possible to exclude the oncological form of prostate adenoma only in a medical center under the supervision of doctors.
If pain occurs frequently, a man can independently examine the scrotum. When palpating the scrotum, the patient may notice a lump. The limits of such compaction have clear contours. There is also an increase in pain intensity when pressing on the tumor. If the patient discovers a neoplasm, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor.
Doctors also recommend paying attention to the qualitative characteristics of seminal fluid. Normally, sperm have a slightly whitish color and a specific odor. With the development of pathology, the quality of seminal fluid changes. It becomes viscous and thick. The liquid acquires a pungent and unpleasant odor. With such a sudden change in characteristics, you should immediately go to a medical center. If left untreated, the problem can cause infertility.
Men often ask why their balls and groin hurt after arousal. As we already know, this can have several reasons. Very often, during physical activity or ordinary clumsy movement, a blow occurs in the scrotum area. This action causes local hemorrhage. Sometimes a man even loses consciousness from pain. In this case, you must therefore consult a doctor. If the injury is minor, the tissues repair themselves. When there was trouble after the fact and the young man did not seek medical help, it could have a detrimental effect on his sex life.
Testicular torsion
The vas deferens passes through the entire testicle, and because it moves freely from side to side, twisting sometimes occurs, which often results in pinching of the nerve endings. The presence of this disease is another answer to the question of why men experience testicular pain after arousal. If this happens, the man feels sharp and unbearable pain in the right or left testicle. As a result, part of the testicle and blood vessels may die. Without timely surgical implantation within 6 hours, the organ will completely lose its reproductive functions. The reasons for this are not fully understood, but vasoconstriction, hypothermia, and muscle contraction may likely have an effect.
"The kissing hormone"
A very interesting hormone involved in sexual arousal in women and men is the "kissing hormone, " called kisspeptin. This hormone was discovered quite recently by scientists. Studies carried out on mice have proven that a chemical signal emitted by females activates certain types of neurons. It was found that the receptors for this hormone are located in the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. Due to the activation of these receptors, the pituitary cells of men begin to rapidly secrete gonadotropic hormones that control sexual behavior as well as the functioning of the genitals. Apparently, this hormone encourages a person to kiss and also triggers a chain of chemical actions that lead to sexual desire in a person.
Some time later, kisspeptin was also discovered in humans. Currently, the possibilities of using this hormone for the treatment of sexual desire disorders in the fair sex are actively being studied. Since pectin can regulate attraction to a partner, sexual intercourse, and ovulation, it will likely be used successfully in the treatment of hypoactive sexual desire disorder in women. About 40% of the fair sex have faced this disease at least once, and about 10% of women suffer from it constantly.
Another name for this condition is inflammation of the appendix, which can cause pain in the testicles after excitement. The appendix is located on the back wall in the lower third. Apparently, at the time of inflammation, the scrotum does not change, but the problem area begins to emit aching pain. It must be taken into account that in the event of epidermatitis, a man will only be bothered by one testicle.
When the disease is not treated, the inflammation will further intensify, swelling will form and the pain will not be sharp, but constant, and fever may be present.
Characteristic features of pain
In the diagnostic process, the nature of the pain that occurs in the testicular area is of great importance. Depending on where it radiates, preliminary conclusions can be made about the nature of the appearance of unpleasant sensations:
- If the pain radiates to the lumbar region or to the abdomen, the presence of an inflammatory process occurring in the appendix of the testicle is suspected;
- If the pain radiates to the side, there may be urolithiasis or an inguinal hernia;
- When the pain radiates to the lower limb, torsion of the spermatic cord or bruising of the testicle followed by hemorrhage is suspected.
If the testicles are red and feel pain and discomfort, it is necessary to urgently undergo diagnostic measures prescribed by the doctor. A delay in this case can lead to infertility, since the ejaculate will not contain motile spermatozoa, impaired potency or amputation of the genital organ.
Very often, such a disease is a complication after suffering from infectious diseases - rubella, mumps. It can reward men suffering from loss of reproductive function. When the disease occurs, the inflamed testicle turns red and swells, which disrupts the production and elimination of sperm, which subsequently threatens infertility. Most often, only the right or left testicle is affected. After waking up, the pain is very intense, because the sperm are not formed properly and are not released.
The disease is characterized by aching pain and progressive swelling of one of the testicles. There may be discomfort in the perineum, lower back, lower abdomen, as well as headaches. Often the patient has fever and chills.
Love is a disease
It is also interesting to note that the World Health Organization has included love in the register of diseases. Experts recognized it as a mental illness several years ago. However, each disease must have its own signs and symptoms. For love, they are as follows:
- Severe mood swings.
- Obsessive thoughts about a person.
- Insomnia.
- Pity.
- Allergy.
- Increased feeling of self-esteem.
- Headache.
- Reckless actions.
If, after prolonged excitement, the testicles hurt and increase in volume, this not only indicates that the man suffers from epidermatitis or orchitis. All of these signs are present in cancerous tumors. In the case of a neoplasm, constant discomfort in the testicle is also observed, compactions and nodules are formed, the scrotum swells, and the local body temperature increases.
Additional disease factors
The problem often occurs against the background of prolonged overexcitement. The brain transmits a signal to the pituitary gland. It releases testosterone into the blood. The corpora cavernosa are filled. An erection appears. Due to the partner's reluctance, the excitement continues. The vessels become dense against the background of prolonged excitement. Piles put pressure on muscle fibers and nerve endings. The patient becomes ill.
The problem also accompanies long-term sexual abstinence among mature men. During sexual rest, the testicles retain their function. They continue to produce sperm. A large volume of germ cells accumulates in the testis. The body is able to independently get rid of unclaimed cells. Excess sperm is broken down. The tension drops. But with the high functional capacity of the testicles, the excess does not have time to dissolve. This leads to distention of the gland shell. There is pain in the scrotum.
The problem is often seen with irregular sex life. This factor is often found in adolescents. During puberty, the hormonal system is unstable. A periodic increase in testosterone levels leads to arousal without additional influences. In this case, the excitement does not stop with ejaculation. The problem disappears with regular sex with a regular partner.
When you need to see a doctor urgently
The first questions that men can ask a specialist are as follows. If my testicles hurt after excitement, what should I do? Is it possible to refuse medical care? Sometimes this is possible, but only if the symptoms are rare, disappear on their own and fairly quickly. When any of the following symptoms are present, self-treatment should be abandoned altogether:
- the organ has changed shape or size;
- slight contact with the testicles causes unbearable pain;
- there is a sharp pain;
- there is an incomprehensible bump on the organ that was not there before;
- there is no intense but constant pain in the scrotum, but it intensifies over time;
- After the injury, the pain in the ovary did not disappear after several hours.
To understand why the testicles hurt after excitement, you need to undergo a thorough medical examination. Diagnosis includes several methods. The first is palpation, during which the specialist carefully feels the testicles and scrotum. Palpation helps identify the texture of the testicle and the presence of unwanted tumors.
Next, an ultrasound is performed. Using modern devices, you can measure the size of paired glands and their qualitative characteristics. If no changes were detected in the scrotum during the examination, then the prostate is diagnosed. If there is suspicion of oncological neoplasms, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging, as well as diaphanoscopy and biopsy may be additionally prescribed. Sometimes a spermogram and blood test are prescribed. Only after diagnosis can the doctor prescribe certain medications.
Who to contact?
When your balls hurt after excitement, something every man should know how to do. This is the first sign of a visit to the doctor. Most often, the patient is referred to a urologist. During the first session, the doctor will specify the duration of the anxiety symptoms and the signs of illness present. If the problem turns out to be serious, the patient may be sent to the hospital for therapy. Most often, it takes several days for health to stabilize. Modern drugs and methods are very effective against injuries and other diseases.
Medical solutions to the problem
If, after excitement, the right and left testicles hurt as a result of prolonged abstinence or overexcitement, this pathology quickly resolves after normalization of sexual life. To do this, you must end your sexual intercourse with ejaculation. If, for medical reasons, a man must abstain from sexual relations, then he can resort to masturbation. Pain after prolonged abstinence will disappear after 4-6 hours. In case of pathology, the problem can only be solved with medical help.
After an injury, a thorough examination is necessary. Doctors prescribe cold compresses and bed rest. Painkiller injections are often given. In case of serious injury and unbearable pain, hospital treatment is necessary, since such an injury can lead to blood accumulation in the scrotum. In this case, the problem requires immediate surgical intervention.
When testicular torsion is observed, surgery cannot be avoided, and as soon as possible, because otherwise the preservation of the organ will be problematic.
When epidermatitis is observed, timely and adequate antibiotic therapy will be necessary, since the infection can also reach other organs. Immunotherapy, physiotherapy and on-demand pain relief are also necessary.
Treatment of orchitis should be carried out promptly, as complications are possible, manifested by atrophy of the gonads and inflammation of the appendages. Therapy involves using antibiotics, wearing tight underwear, staying in bed, and providing pain relief if necessary.
As with other conditions, varicocele must be treated very quickly using surgical methods involving ligation and removal of the affected vein. With appropriate therapy, the functions of the organ are completely restored.
What to do if you are overexcited?
After a long period of overstimulation, sexual intercourse brings relief - the pain in the groin disappears within 3-4 hours. If this does not happen, the man should seek advice from a specialist. The fight against overexcitement begins with diagnosing the cause of the delicate problem.
If rapid ejaculation is the result of a man's long abstinence, natural intercourse or masturbation will help. If you are experiencing emotional problems, you should talk about them with a sexologist and a psychologist, who will teach you how to get out of everyday problems and manage your body and your emotions.
To search for pathological problems, a urologist-andrologist conducts a conversation with a man and finds out what symptoms accompany overexcitement. Then he palpates the scrotum and pelvic organs and examines the penis. To obtain a detailed picture, an ultrasound of the male genitals will be necessary. If inflammatory diseases are suspected, it is necessary to undergo a general and bacteriological analysis of urine and blood, which will identify the causative agent of the disease and its resistance to antibacterial treatment. If necessary, a man can also be sent for additional diagnostics:
- Urinalysis using the Zimnitsky method, Nechiporenko test;
- Blood test to study hormone levels;
Table of indicators of the norm of male hormones
- X-ray of the pelvic organs, CT scan or MRI;
- Excretory urography is a computer diagnostic method carried out after the administration of a contrast agent.
After identifying the problem and making a diagnosis, the man is prescribed appropriate treatment.
Home remedies
At home, you can get rid of overexcitement with the help of traditional medicine, as well as by changing your lifestyle. Sometimes a man just needs to give up bad habits, increase physical activity, eat right and sleep 8 or more hours a day. As additional methods, you can use traditional recipes that will help improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs, relieve pain, swelling, improve immunity, relax and restore emotional balance.
A decoction of motherwort, rosehip and chamomile leaves will help relieve overexcitement, which calms the nerves, strengthens the body's defenses and saturates it with vitamins and minerals. Watch leaves have antidepressant properties, so their use helps prolong sexual intercourse. To prepare you need to take 1 tbsp. L. each plant, mix well and add boiled water. Leave to simmer over low heat for 30 minutes. Take 2 to 3 times a day before meals, 50 ml.
Pain caused by pathologies
Also remember that severe hypothermia can cause pain. If you ignore hypothermia, the pain in the testicles will persist for about 3 to 4 weeks. The longer a man lives without sex, the more likely it is that these diseases will manifest themselves soon. Pain in the testicles can also be caused by a disease that affects the veins and vessels of the male genital organ. Hydrocele (hydrocele) is an accumulation of fluid in the membranes of the testicle, resulting from difficulty draining through the vessels.
Overexcited Is this due to overexcitement or is something wrong? Everyone, men and women, experiences sexual abstinence differently. For some, the abandonment of intimate relationships will go unnoticed, while others may experience serious health problems.